October 16th - 2024
Adam Mōss
People forget or are ignorant of the Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump connection that goes back to 1991
Here is the shortish story. Boris Yeltsin came to power after George Bush Sr. and Mikhail Gorbachev made up the plot to wipe the USSR out of existence by Gorbachev allowing a coup to happen.
Boris Yeltsin never met a drink of alcohol he didn't drink from the time he woke up until he passed out at night. He became so ill that he spoke with Bill Clinton about putting his Communist buddy Vladimir Putin in charge as President.
Boris Yeltsin told Clinton what a good guy Vladimir Putin was, and Clinton bought the story hook, line and sinker. Meanwhile around this time Yeltsin went to the Buckingham Palace to visit the Queen, to ask her to come to Moscow for a meet and greet.
The Queen made the condition that the Tsar Nicholas’ Romanovs family have a reburial to restore dignity to her family by giving the Romanovs a proper burial from the ground in the woods after every one of them in the family were s.h.o.t.
Supposedly Boris Yeltsin who was a low-level commander in that city at the time said to the Queen in Russian "She [the Queen] should be careful, or she will end up with a bayonet up her arse too". Regardless of that truth, Boris Yeltsin didn't tell the Queen nor Clinton the truth about Putin, and we are living today with Boris Yeltsin's lies in the form of Trump's buddy Vladimir Putin as a dictator of Russia.
It seems Boris Yeltsin's real plan was not George Bush Sr. and Mikhail Gorbachev's democracy, but exactly what Russa has right now, a dictatorship/oligarchy, but he was supposed to be in charge but was thought to be poisoned with PCBs and died of multiple organ failure and a heart attack. Now Trump wants to follow the steps of Putin and have a fascist dictatorship/oligarchy with Elon Musk, both co-running America come November 5th.
Where apparently Elon's ultimate goal is to be the King of Mars, a Martian (I guess)?
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There are 33 U.S. Senate up for elections in 2024. 10 seats by Republicans, 19 seats by Democrats and 4 seats by independents who caucus with Democrats. Make sure they all go Democrat. As Trump fatigue is setting in, and we are all getting tired of seeing and hearing Trump's face
All Women need to get out and Vote, because too many guys are just to testosterone oriented to do the right thing. Vote Blue or we are screwed.
The only cure is to vote all Republicans out of the classrooms, bedrooms, boardrooms and all government positions, top to bottom of the ballot. Show all Republicans the door in 2024. Or accept you have no control over your lives, your body, your rights, your freedom, your democracy.
This will be your last chance to ever vote again, make it count. Trump said himself: this will be the last time you will ever need to vote again. Vote Blue, is what you “got” to do. Don’t Vote Weird. In the voting booth no one knows you voted Democrat.
Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. VOTE BLUE!
We can never get control of the border as long as Republicans keep hiring as many illegal aliens as possible to evade taxes and to not pay into Retirement and Medicare funds. Canada has miles and miles of open borders and no border crisis. Why? In Canada, you cannot work there or live there unless you are legal. And everything is done BEFORE “you can cross“ the border. Republicans repealed all the strict laws on hiring illegals under Reagan for self-greed. The high prices are “greedflation, Republican price gouging.
Adam Mōss, an American magazine and newspaper editor, served as the editor-in-chief of New York magazine from 2004 to 2019. During his tenure, New York Magazine received numerous accolades, including winning Magazine of the Year in 2013 and General Excellence in both print and online in 2010. Under his leadership, New York won more National Magazine Awards than any other magazine. Additionally, he played a key role in expanding and enhancing New York’s website, which was widely recognized as one of the industry's most innovative and successful. He also oversaw the launch of standalone sites such as Vulture and the Cut. Furthermore, in 2018, New York's senior art critic Jerry Saltz was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for criticism. (Copied from Wikipedia by IAS News)™ member
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Putin "wants peace" (read: wants war!)
Do not forget now. Putin already had an agreement to respect Ukraine's borders, and Ukraine furthermore did remove its nuclear bombs - and they had an international agreement recognized by every nation. But Putin broke it. As he will again, again and again. Putin's tactic is first to weaken a country, as he did first with Ukraine and now with the US with Trump. Second: attack!
Putin has regularly threatened democratic nations with his old atomic bombs - especially Denmark and Finland. He has done that all the time. Ukraine has never had a chance to be a member of NATO. That is Putin's big lie. Even Putin tried to be a member! Sweden and Finland have not even attempted to become members of NATO before.
It is not easy to become a member of the EU either. Turkey has tried for many years but is not yet a fully democratic nation. Ukraine is still trying to qualify to be a member of the EU.
Regarding Greenland, Denmark will not allow a Putinallied/controlled government to get ownership of Greenland. We saw what happened when Musk owned the satellite that Ukraine used when they tried to attack the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. Musk turned the signal off and stopped the attack to help Putin. The same happens now. Trump wants to stop the war in Ukraine to help Putin - not to gain peace but to help Putin recover.
There's a big fuss about the forced sterilization carried out by Danish health professionals many years ago - but those who want independence should look at the risks of independence and of falling into the clutches of the US, which is planning mass sterilization of Americans. Don't let Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam's blind hatred of Denmark convince you to independence. It will only strengthen Traitor Trump and, not least, Putrid Putin, who rules Trump with a heavy hand.
TrumPutin can manipulate everyone - not least in elections - regardless of country. Blind hatred of Denmark only helps the TrumPutin alliance - not Greenland! At least wait until the US has a democratic government. No Dane wants anything bad for Greenlanders - bullying of students in Danish schools is not specifically against Greenlanders - it's against anyone who can be bullied. No one is as bullying as young people between the ages of 7-27. It's genetic and has nothing to do with Greenlanders.
From the ashes to the fire. Vote against independence until Traitor Trump is entirely out of power in the USA. It's the safest thing to do. The EU is now united behind a compelling defense of Greenland against fascism. Voting for independence now is unwise. It is, however, wise to become a full member of the EU. All the mining agreements that can be made will help all Greenlanders and could make Greenland independent safely and quickly without the risk of fascism and oppression.
Vote against independence, this time for the greater good. No mature Dane has anything against Greenlanders - that's pure nonsense!
Trump has just started a similar war with NATO allies with lies about the safety of the US, just as Putin said about Ukraine. Suppose Russia attacks the US from Arctis. Trump will allow Putin to do it. Trump will let Putin send atomic bombs across Greenland to change the US as we know it - and he can be sure that Trump will not send any atomic bombs to Russia as long as Trump is president! Trump will leave NATO to help Putin fight the NATO countries - and Putin only has nuclear bombs to destroy the NATO allies.
But as it goes now - Putin fools all. Trump wants to buy Greenland to give half of Greenland and then the Norwegian island Svalbard to Russia. Nobody seems to stop Trump—crazy situation. Republicans are just giving the US and Europe to Russia - without any protests. What has happened to the Republicans? This is serious - can they be that brainwashed, or what?
Trump has all the options to defend the US in Greenland today and has always had. Opposite Trump, Denmark wants to keep the US safe, and Trump will not risk Denmark opposing TrumPutin's plan. Do not let TrumPutin's lies convince you even more - it will be the final war (the end of humanity on the planet Earth) if they are allowed to proceed like now. Trump and his pro-Russian people belong in Guantanamo. They are much more dangerous than the Bin Laden people ever were.
Also, read this commentary, very well-documented books, and articles about Brexit and Putin's fight against the EU at this link:
How Putin’s Russia Becomes Trump’s America
Please beware of the pro-Russian infiltrators, who will say and pay anything to win your vote only to erode our democracy once in power.
Do you want an American president who favors Russian interests? Of course, you don't!
Vote BLUE 2028
Por favor, tenga cuidado con los infiltrados prorrusos, que dirán y pagarán lo que sea para ganar su voto sólo para erosionar nuestra democracia una vez en el poder.
¿Quieres un presidente americano que favorezca los intereses rusos? Por supuesto que no.
Vota AZUL 2028
Thank you, Kamala, for your candid video addressed to your supporters
We understand the challenges in articulating the events behind the scenes following the election.
Although it may not be widely recognized, we share your feelings. You have effectively conveyed our collective feelings. It is rare to find people with the sincerity and compassion to help us face the new government's challenges. Your message was precisely what we needed, and we express our gratitude.
Your warning is essential. The new government will slowly reduce our influence.