Sin embargo, esta vez es increíblemente diferente. Es crucial votar contra Rusia y Putin.
Trump ha demostrado tener tendencias prorrusas, y antiguos miembros influyentes del personal del Partido Republicano comparten estas inclinaciones.
Es acertado calificarlos de agentes prorrusos. Este es un momento crítico para adoptar una postura contra la influencia rusa.
Muchos republicanos se han sentido descorazonados por la dirección de su partido desde la influencia de Trump. Apoyar a Harris en las próximas elecciones es crucial para restaurar el Partido Republicano.
“Mi máxima prioridad es salvar a EE.UU. de la influencia rusa."
Karen Tumala, fundadora del club melnia
¡Detengan a los infiltrados prorrusos!
Tras una serie de mentiras engañosas de Trump, cada vez es más difícil confiar en los republicanos.
Han pasado dos décadas desde que se presenció un asesinato de carácter de alto perfil durante una campaña electoral estadounidense, y parece que el orquestador de esa campaña, Chris LaCivita, está intentando hacerlo una vez más, contratado por el Terrible Traidor Trump esta vez, teniendo como objetivo a Tim Walz.
El éxito de estas mentiras está por ver, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que mentiras estratégicas similares funcionaron anteriormente, pero más tarde se demostró que eran totalmente falsas.
Al igual que la historia del helicóptero que Trump presentó en relación con Harris, no era más que una colección de mentiras extravagantes y sin fundamento totalmente divorciadas de la realidad.
Aún más indignante es que el terrible traidor Trump castigará a los medios de comunicación por decir la verdad.
Amenazó al New York Times porque dijeron la verdad sobre la mentira del helicóptero, igual que Putin amenaza a cualquiera que diga la verdad sobre su guerra contra las democracias occidentales. El terrible traidor Trump ha aprendido bien de su amigo Putin. ¡El amigo de Trump es el PEOR ENEMIGO de los EEUU!
Se informa que el Terrible Traidor Trump y su asesor, Chris LaCivita, el individuo responsable de las mentiras estratégicas propagadas contra John Kerry por los llamados «Swift Boat Veterans» en 2004, están orquestando la difusión de nuevas mentiras sobre Tim Walz.
El candidato demócrata a la vicepresidencia, Tim Walz, ha sido objeto de incesantes ataques personales. Sus adversarios políticos, entre ellos Chris LaCivita, han iniciado nuevas mentiras para sembrar dudas sobre su carrera militar.
J.D. Vance, candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia, ha lanzado acusaciones directas contra Walz, alegando que lleva un «falso honor».
Según Politico, Vance expresó que se sentiría avergonzado si estuviera en la posición de Walz y hubiera mentido sobre su servicio militar.
Las acciones de Trump y Vance son atroces y deberían tener graves repercusiones. Walz nunca mintió, pero parece que las mentiras son lo único que les queda a los republicanos.
¡La política de los republicanos ya no son más que mentiras descaradas!
It’s been two decades since a high-profile character assassination was witnessed during a US election campaign, and it appears that the orchestrator of that campaign, Chris LaCivita, is attempting to do it once again, hired by Terrible Traitor Trump this time, targeting Tim Walz.
The success of these lies remains to be seen, especially considering that similar strategic lies worked previously but were later proven to be utterly false.
Much like the helicopter story that Trump presented concerning Harris, it was nothing more than a collection of outlandish and baseless lies wholly divorced from reality.
Even more outrageous is that Terrible Traitor Trump will punish the media for telling the truth!
He threatened the New York Times because they told the truth about the helicopter lie, just like Putin threatens anyone telling the truth about his war against Western democracies. Terrible Traitor Trump has learned well from his friend Putin. Trump's friend is the WORST ENEMY of the US!
It is reported that Terrible Traitor Trump and his advisor, Chris LaCivita, the individual responsible for the strategic lies propagated against John Kerry by the so-called "Swift Boat Veterans" in 2004, are orchestrating the spread of new lies about Tim Walz.
The Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Tim Walz has been subjected to relentless personal attacks. His political adversaries, including Chris LaCivita, have initiated new lies to sow doubt about his military career.
J.D. Vance, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, has made direct accusations against Walz, alleging that he wears a "false honor."
According to Politico, Vance expressed that he would feel ashamed if he were in Walz's position and had lied about his military service.
Trump and Vance's actions are atrocious and should bear serious repercussions. Walz never lied, but it seems that lies are all there is left of the Republicans.
¡La política de los republicanos ya no son más que mentiras descaradas!
Somos republicanos contra Trump. ¡Apoyamos a Harris!
La iniciativa Republicanos por Harris, anunciada por la campaña de Harris, ha cosechado el apoyo de destacados republicanos, incluidos antiguos miembros del personal del expresidente Donald Trump.
La iniciativa Republicanos por Harris pretende atraer a los votantes del Partido Republicano que se oponen al caos, la división y la violencia asociados a Donald Trump y su programa Proyecto 2025.
El equipo de Trump ha revelado recientemente un exhaustivo documento político antidemocrático de 1.000 palabras llamado «Proyecto 2025», elaborado en colaboración con la conservadora Heritage Foundation y 16 antiguos miembros del personal de Trump.
Bill Weld, ex gobernador republicano de Massachusetts, declaró: «Donald Trump no debe acercarse a la Casa Blanca. Con la democracia pendiendo de un hilo, estoy junto a Kamala Harris para derrotar a Donald Trump y sus ataques a nuestras instituciones democráticas.»
Además, Joe Walsh, excandidato presidencial del Partido Republicano en 2020 y exrepresentante a la Cámara por Illinois, respaldó a Harris, subrayando que su partido se ha convertido en «una secta que abraza el autoritarismo» 14 años después de haber sido elegido por primera vez al Congreso como conservador.
Harris está ganando popularidad en todos los grupos políticos. A pesar de las mentiras de Trump en su sitio web, «Truth Social», son muchas las personas que acuden cada vez que Harris acude a un mitin. Es hora de rechazar las falsedades de Trump y abrazar a un candidato que defiende la verdad y la integridad.™ member
© 2024 melnia® news media club
Putin "wants peace" (read: wants war!)
Do not forget now. Putin already had an agreement to respect Ukraine's borders, and Ukraine furthermore did remove its nuclear bombs - and they had an international agreement recognized by every nation. But Putin broke it. As he will again, again and again. Putin's tactic is first to weaken a country, as he did first with Ukraine and now with the US with Trump. Second: attack!
Putin has regularly threatened democratic nations with his old atomic bombs - especially Denmark and Finland. He has done that all the time. Ukraine has never had a chance to be a member of NATO. That is Putin's big lie. Even Putin tried to be a member! Sweden and Finland have not even attempted to become members of NATO before.
It is not easy to become a member of the EU either. Turkey has tried for many years but is not yet a fully democratic nation. Ukraine is still trying to qualify to be a member of the EU.
Regarding Greenland, Denmark will not allow a Putinallied/controlled government to get ownership of Greenland. We saw what happened when Musk owned the satellite that Ukraine used when they tried to attack the Russian fleet in the Black Sea. Musk turned the signal off and stopped the attack to help Putin. The same happens now. Trump wants to stop the war in Ukraine to help Putin - not to gain peace but to help Putin recover.
There's a big fuss about the forced sterilization carried out by Danish health professionals many years ago - but those who want independence should look at the risks of independence and of falling into the clutches of the US, which is planning mass sterilization of Americans. Don't let Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam's blind hatred of Denmark convince you to independence. It will only strengthen Traitor Trump and, not least, Putrid Putin, who rules Trump with a heavy hand.
TrumPutin can manipulate everyone - not least in elections - regardless of country. Blind hatred of Denmark only helps the TrumPutin alliance - not Greenland! At least wait until the US has a democratic government. No Dane wants anything bad for Greenlanders - bullying of students in Danish schools is not specifically against Greenlanders - it's against anyone who can be bullied. No one is as bullying as young people between the ages of 7-27. It's genetic and has nothing to do with Greenlanders.
From the ashes to the fire. Vote against independence until Traitor Trump is entirely out of power in the USA. It's the safest thing to do. The EU is now united behind a compelling defense of Greenland against fascism. Voting for independence now is unwise. It is, however, wise to become a full member of the EU. All the mining agreements that can be made will help all Greenlanders and could make Greenland independent safely and quickly without the risk of fascism and oppression.
Vote against independence, this time for the greater good. No mature Dane has anything against Greenlanders - that's pure nonsense!
Trump has just started a similar war with NATO allies with lies about the safety of the US, just as Putin said about Ukraine. Suppose Russia attacks the US from Arctis. Trump will allow Putin to do it. Trump will let Putin send atomic bombs across Greenland to change the US as we know it - and he can be sure that Trump will not send any atomic bombs to Russia as long as Trump is president! Trump will leave NATO to help Putin fight the NATO countries - and Putin only has nuclear bombs to destroy the NATO allies.
But as it goes now - Putin fools all. Trump wants to buy Greenland to give half of Greenland and then the Norwegian island Svalbard to Russia. Nobody seems to stop Trump—crazy situation. Republicans are just giving the US and Europe to Russia - without any protests. What has happened to the Republicans? This is serious - can they be that brainwashed, or what?
Trump has all the options to defend the US in Greenland today and has always had. Opposite Trump, Denmark wants to keep the US safe, and Trump will not risk Denmark opposing TrumPutin's plan. Do not let TrumPutin's lies convince you even more - it will be the final war (the end of humanity on the planet Earth) if they are allowed to proceed like now. Trump and his pro-Russian people belong in Guantanamo. They are much more dangerous than the Bin Laden people ever were.
Also, read this commentary, very well-documented books, and articles about Brexit and Putin's fight against the EU at this link:
How Putin’s Russia Becomes Trump’s America
Please beware of the pro-Russian infiltrators, who will say and pay anything to win your vote only to erode our democracy once in power.
Do you want an American president who favors Russian interests? Of course, you don't!
Vote BLUE 2028
Por favor, tenga cuidado con los infiltrados prorrusos, que dirán y pagarán lo que sea para ganar su voto sólo para erosionar nuestra democracia una vez en el poder.
¿Quieres un presidente americano que favorezca los intereses rusos? Por supuesto que no.
Vota AZUL 2028
Thank you, Kamala, for your candid video addressed to your supporters
We understand the challenges in articulating the events behind the scenes following the election.
Although it may not be widely recognized, we share your feelings. You have effectively conveyed our collective feelings. It is rare to find people with the sincerity and compassion to help us face the new government's challenges. Your message was precisely what we needed, and we express our gratitude.
Your warning is essential. The new government will slowly reduce our influence.